PNC Holiday Light Show a Hit with County Prep’s Social Skills Club

County Prep's Social Skills Club visited the PNC Holiday Light Show event on Tuesday, November 28.  Students learned about the diversity of the world as the light show incorporated different cultures and traditions.  They were exposed to creative arts through the intricate designs and aesthetics of the light display.  Students immersed themselves in a community setting to practice life skills by visiting the holiday store and village to purchase gifts and goodies.  This trip also offered a multidisciplinary learning experience that connected various subjects including the arts, science, technology, and cultural awareness.  All in all, it was a very fun-filled work-based learning experience.
ES - "The PNC Light Show trip was a blast!  We had so much fun singing Christmas songs on the bus and then taking photos and buying souvenirs."
JS - "The trip was great.  I personally enjoyed watching all the lights and driving around to admire every single one of them.  It was an amazing and unforgettable experience.  I definitely think it set me in the Christmas mood."



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