County Prep Culinary Arts students visited Hudson County Community College multiple times from September through February 2020 to participate in the “ Extended Culinary Student for the Day” program. The students were afforded the opportunity to work “one-on-one” with a renowned chef to prepare dishes selected by the students. During the last session, County Prep culinary students showcased their talents by preparing scrumptious ribs, spicy buffalo chicken, delightful macaroni and cheese, exotic potatoes, and deep fried grilled cheese sandwiches. The opportunity to partake in “hands-on” activities gave the students a glimpse of culinary arts on a college level. Overall, it was an invaluable structured learning experience that defined a potential career option for our students. A special thank-you is extended to Ms. Nunez and Chef Puc at Hudson County Community for their efforts to bring this SLE to fruition.