The Theatre Arts Program at County Prep
The Theatre Arts Program at County Prep offers students the opportunity to study theatre in the classroom and in production work under the guidance of Mrs. Raluca Shields. The program offers a broad comprehensive approach to theatre study focusing on acting techniques, voice work, improvisation, theatre history as well as an introduction to other specialized topics such as playwriting, directing, design, and dramaturgy. Workshops with guest artist-teachers and industry professionals provide the opportunity for additional training in such areas as voice, movement, solo performance, physical theatre, musical theatre and playwriting.
Introduction to Theatre
Introduction to Theatre is a Theatre course where students will be exposed to many facets of Theatre Arts. Theatre Arts is the communication of the human spirit and condition presented through fictional characterizations. Components of the class will include theatre games, improvisation, concentration, listening, and play reading. The use of the body and voice as an expressive instrument will be introduced and developed. As in all Drama classes a respect for self, peers, and the community of the class will be maintained.
Theatre Arts I & II
Theatre Arts I &II is a performance based course with the emphasis on performing, creating, and connecting from plays to peers. Students will develop their imagination, collaborative skills, and analysis of text. Curriculum components include: improvisation, writing original words, play reading, moment to moment playing, fictional characterizations, vocal production, standard American speech, research, and movement for the actor. Student projects will include repertory workshop performances.
Theatre Arts III and IV
Theatre Arts III and IV is an advanced Theatre Arts course designed to explore and challenge the student’s performance ability and awareness. Acting techniques will include moment-to-moment playing, honest and truthful behavior, character and script analysis, extensive historical research, rehearsal etiquette, development of imagination, as well as scene study and role-playing. Movement and standard American speech goals for Theatre Arts III and IV will challenge students to communicate effectively for the public. As in all Drama classes a respect for self, peers and the community of the class will be maintained. Students will present performances in repertory throughout the year.

Teacher Biography
Ms. Raluca Shields, Director, has been on the HCST staff for seven years. She holds a Bachelors of Arts in Theatre, French and Spanish from University of Pennsylvania and a MFA in Acting from Columbia University. She has been acting, directing, choreographing and teaching in NYC, for the Dwight School and The Fildwith Ensemble, prior to working at County Prep.